2 min readDec 15, 2021

Together with CYRENE, ASSURED organized the first clustering workshop with other H2020 EU initiatives ( SANCUS, MEDINA, FISHY, BIECO, IOTAC, SIFIS-HOME) working on new cybersecurity and certification solutions for complex supply chain ecosystems.

The workshop aimed at bringing together projects that target Supply Chain Security, Resilience, and Certification aspects, experts, members, and consultants from standardization and certification bodies for exploring synergies and identifying possible common actions.

Cybersecurity is a complex ecosystem targeting the protection of all building blocks of IoT and next-generation smart connectivity “Systems of Systems”. For this reason, it is of paramount importance to have such networked information systems designed with security, privacy, data protection, fault tolerance, and accountability in mind from their design phase. However, this is not an easy task — the restricted environment of many IoT devices and CPSoS make the deployment of complex security solutions rather challenging and a continuous arms race for balancing several trade-offs, such as security vs safety, security vs privacy, security vs trust, security vs usability, and security vs cost, to name a few. It is now understood that new solutions cannot be rolled out unless all challenges are overcome to guarantee security and user privacy.

The goal of the workshop was to exchange ideas and identify possible avenues for research synergies, better understand the various facets and trade-offs of cybersecurity, and learn how new technologies and algorithms might impact existing or future security models.

This was the first workshop of a series that we intend to continue once the projects have finalized the implementation of the first version of their technical artifacts. Stay tuned.

Check the full clustering workshop on our youtube channel.

Originally published at https://www.project-assured.eu on December 15, 2021.




Future Proofing of ICT Trust Chains: Sustainable Operational Assurance and Verification Remote Guards for Systems-of-Systems Security and Privacy.